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How to Celebrate National Make a Difference Day

In a world full of millions of people, sometimes it’s hard to feel like one person can make any difference at all. However, change starts with one person, and the sentiment catches on from there. One person can inspire change for the entire world. This year, celebrate National Make a Difference Day on Saturday, October 28. Check out these ideas to help get you started with making a difference in your community and the world.


Consider Your Passions to Do Good

Start the celebration of National Make a Difference Day by considering what you’re truly passionate about. Studies have shown that when you’re passionate about a cause, you’re much more likely to stay committed to the cause versus one you feel no connection with. 

You also don’t necessarily need to have a personal connection to the cause to be passionate about making a difference. Consider what types of causes trigger an emotional and motivational response when you think about making a difference. Follow those passions by finding an organization that aligns with your passions!


Commit to Random Acts of Kindness

Fill up a stranger’s gas tank. Rake leaves for a neighbor in need. Help bring in groceries or carry heavy packages for someone. Random acts of kindness are a simple way to make a huge difference in someone’s day. Use this holiday as a reminder to commit random acts of kindness on this day or even throughout the month and year! 


Call a Friend or Family Member

Making a difference can be as easy as lending an ear. Call up a friend or family member with the sole purpose of asking them about their life and what’s going on right now. Practice active listening and repeat back the issues or information they’re telling you for clarity, asking thoughtful questions. Not only will your loved one appreciate this, but it will also help you establish a deeper relationship with the person you call. 


Volunteer for an Organization

It’s time to get out there and lend a helping hand! You can make a difference by simply volunteering a few hours of your time to a nonprofit. Call up an organization in your community and ask about opportunities they have available to volunteer. Find out about fundraising events in your community that may need volunteers to help lend a hand. You’ll leave feeling a sense or purpose and knowing that you made a difference for your community. 


Donate or Start a Fundraiser

Whether you’re able to make a donation or you’re interested in raising funds, there are plenty of ways to help support your favorite organization! Consider starting a fundraiser with your community to help raise even more funds than simply making a donation. Spread the word about why you support an organization and you just might create a whole new fan base of supporters.


Remember that no act of kindness is too small to make a difference in the world. It all starts with one person, and that person can be you! No matter how you decide to celebrate National Make a Difference Day, let’s band together and make it a good one. 

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