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Helping combat-veterans and Arizona homeless dogs

The Dish

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When it comes to living an altruistic life that can help make a difference for others, one of the most valuable things you can give your community is the gift of volunteering.

If you’re looking for a way to get in shape and get involved in the community, we’ve got you covered. Here are five reasons to run for a charity this summer.

Like any other muscle, a brain needs to be exercised, stretched and challenged to stay strong. Check out these cool tricks you can practice to exercise your brain and build mental muscle.

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Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


  • Maria & Mylo
    Maria & Mylo

    In 2017, after my medical retirement, life became an overwhelming struggle. The weight of PTSD, anxiety, and depression confined me to the walls of my home. Then, I made a pivotal decision - I chose to seek a service dog. My loyal companion, Mylo, became my saving grace. He infused my days with purpose, pulling me from the depths of despair. With Mylo by my side, I found the strength to step beyond my front door, and in his unwavering presence, I discovered a renewed sense of hope and a source of boundless love and understanding. Mylo is more than a service dog; he is my lifeline, my confidante, and my guardian angel. His paw prints are forever etched on the canvas of my heart, a testament to the transformative power of companionship, love, and unwavering support. Today, I stand here, not alone, but surrounded by a community that understands the profound impact of a faithful friend. I am forever grateful for Mylo and the gift he has given me.

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