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When it comes to living an altruistic life that can help make a difference for others, one of the most valuable things you can give your community is the gift of volunteering.

If you’re looking for a way to get in shape and get involved in the community, we’ve got you covered. Here are five reasons to run for a charity this summer.

Like any other muscle, a brain needs to be exercised, stretched and challenged to stay strong. Check out these cool tricks you can practice to exercise your brain and build mental muscle.

These books inspire the altruistic lifestyle and show anyone can make an impact on the world. Let’s explore each of them more in depth.

Volunteering and serving doesn’t have to be challenging when you use your talents to support others. Identify your talents, ask for support and find an organization where you can use your strengths to give back.

If you want to live a more altruistic lifestyle, start by reprogramming your brain to think more positively. Try out these six tips to focus your thoughts and train your brain to be more positive.

Despite their age, children can have a powerful impact in the community, if only we encourage them to do so. Here are four reasons kids should start volunteering young.

Meditation is powerful. If you’re unsure whether or not the practice is worth looking into, check out these top ways meditation can help improve your life.

Turns out, regular writing and keeping a journal actually has a lot of surprising mental and emotional health benefits. Today, we’re going to check them out.

How can you and your family celebrate June? By trying out some of these easy and delicious options to celebrate National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month.

Caring for animals is an important part of living an altruistic lifestyle. Today we explore how you can live more altruistically with the animals in your day-to-day life.

With the help of a bicycle, we can take better care of the environment, our physical bodies and even spend time together. So how can you mark this momentous occasion?

This Memorial Day, we remember and honor the men and women who have served our country’s armed forces—specifically those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

If you strive to live an altruistic lifestyle, there are plenty of gifts you can give your loved one on Mother’s Day that also give back to others in the community.

Paying it forward is a way to spread goodness into the world. If you want to get involved this International Pay It Forward Day, check out these ways to pay it forward.

Turns out, even the smallest steps can have an impact. This Earth Day, consider your ecological footprint and enact these seven green ways to embrace today.

This April, celebrate Keep America Beautiful Month by working in your community to get up and clean up. There are lots of ways to beautify our world, and together we can keep it that way for generations to come.

There are ways we can challenge ourselves to grow in empathy. If you want to learn more, check out these tips for how to cultivate more empathy for others.

When it comes to supporting local business, there’s more to it than helping the community; it supports you too. Check out these reasons why going local helps you out in the long run.

Gardening not only brings in beautiful colors, scents and foods to your home, but it has added benefits just for you. Here are some reasons you should plant a garden this season.

By going green, we create a better environment for ourselves and future generations. Check out these easy ways you can live an altruistic—and green—lifestyle.

Spring is a time of renewal, and cleaning doesn’t have to simply mean scrubbing the floors! Try these cleaning activities to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle.

For centuries, people have been preaching the benefits of meditation. Keep reading to learn about some of the best advantages you’ll receive from meditation.

Self-defeating thoughts can come when we least expect them and tear down our self-esteem and break our spirits. So how can we stand up to them and choose joy instead? Check out these 5 ways!

Fortunately, recent studies have shown that volunteering with people (or a cause you care about) can actually mitigate depression and anxiety issues.

Give yourself and your loved ones the greatest gift this American Heart Month by focusing on making heart-healthy decisions towards a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Even a small gesture can have a huge influence on the people around you. To give a few ideas, here are easy things you can do to brighten someone’s day.

Whether they’re familial, romantic or platonic, relationships are vital to beneficial and stable lives. So how can we learn to build positive and enriching relationships? Take a look at these top eight tips for some ideas. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. helped make the world a better place and advocated for equal rights for everyone. Use MLK Day as a time to honor his legacy by giving back or doing something good for somebody else.

There are plenty of ways you can continue to volunteer your time and efforts to make the world a better place—even from the comfort of your home or inside the warmth of an organization! Check out these eight opportunities to give back during the winter.

A mentorship program has more in store than just for the mentee. If you’re not sure whether mentoring is right for you, take a look at these eight ways becoming a mentor can benefit you.

Making a new, healthy habit that sticks can be pretty difficult. If you want to begin a habit that you can actually stick with, check out these useful tips.

Check out The Tucson Dog Magazine's Nov/Dec 2023 issue to read their latest story on SBF.

The holidays are a wonderful time to spend together with family, friends and loved ones. However, it’s also an opportunity to give back

Human rights should be protected at all costs. You can get involved this Universal Human Rights Month and continue to spread the word year-round

While the gifts in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” may be a little strange by today’s standards, you can still celebrate by giving gifts in your community. Check out this unique spin on 12 ways you can show you care this holiday season.

With a little out-of-the-box thinking, you can give back in ways that meet the unique needs of your community and are fulfilling to everyone you encounter.

There are many ways you can say ‘thank you’ to the people in your life. Use these ideas both today and year round!

Executive Director, Mik Milem, was on the podcast, Drive On with Scott DeLuzio. We invite you to listen.

This year, GivingTuesday falls on Tuesday, November 29th, and November is right around the corner! Whether you’re wanting to donate, organize a fundraiser or volunteer, the time for action is now!

One person can inspire change for the entire world. This year, celebrate National Make a Difference Day on Saturday, October 28. Check out these ideas to help get you started with making a difference in your community and the world.

While Halloween is normally reserved for scary-good fun, that doesn’t mean you can’t get involved to benefit a scary-good cause!

Living a full and altruistic life is about more than just doing your best. It’s about sharing your best with others around you and connecting with them through our inherent need to tell stories.

Being kind to a stranger may seem simple, but it often requires a conscious effort to do. How can you show kindness to strangers in your life? We have 9 ideas to start.

When it comes to living an altruistic lifestyle, compassion for others doesn’t have to stop with humans.

While it might seem simple to say talents can help others, actually identifying your talents and putting them to good use can be a little bit more difficult.

This September, remember to focus on you and your personal growth. Even small steps can add up to huge results over time. It all starts now!

Whether you choose to volunteer at a local shelter, support military service personnel or donate to a cause you care about, your Labor Day can be focused on honoring those who have worked so hard to build up our country’s economic and political well being. 

Channel 12 News stopped by SBF's Peoria Campus to interview grads, Jeff & Tilly and in training team. James & Bishop. Watch the video to hear their stories and see how SBF has made a difference in their lives.

Whether it’s a few hours or a long commitment, volunteering not only supports those around you but positively influences you as well.

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


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