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What We Do

Graduate Veteran/Dog Teams

Shannon and Sammie

Shannon and Sammie

Sammie came to me at a time when my world felt dark with uncertainty and a lot of pain. Dealing with the outside distractions ( ie, life ) was difficult for me to handle. Nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression have been my companions for many years. And then the loss of my first service dog, Mae Mae, I was devastated. SBF swooped in and was there with all their helpfulness, support and encouragement. Their ability to evaluate and place the right dogs with the right veterans is uncanny. Soldiers Best Friend is an organization that truly touches two lives at once. I am blessed to have this wonderful dog and organization in my life.



This is the second time that SBF has helped us with a service dog. Unfortunately, Shannon's first service dog MaeMae passed away after being with us for a year.  I was so proud that SBF was there the whole time we were grieving for MaeMae.  I am glad that SBF checked in on Shannon and let him know whenever he was ready they were there to support. As the weeks have gone on with teaching Sammie what is needed to help Shannon, I have seen the loving and calm Shannon, I knew.  They knew as much as I did Shannon would need help through all the difficult times we were going to go through.  They found us Sammie, who swooped in to help Shannon through the dark times, I was glad I knew when I was out of town that Sammie was there to help him through things I was not able to see or feel. I am thankful for this organization to help me handle the highs and lows with my husband.  Sammie has completed our family with love and security we all need. Thank you for all your help and support.

I am truly thankful for this organization. I am glad me as a family member can see what greatness comes out of support from SBF.

Dee (Shannon's wife)

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


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