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What We Do

Graduate Veteran/Dog Teams

Rick and Wilfred

Rick and Wilfred

My experience with Soldier’s Best Friend and training my service dog has been life changing. Coping with civilian life has become more manageable. Things most people take for granted, like going to the local Target store, have been extremely difficult for me. I would often wait until late at night. I still clear rooftops and remain hyper-vigilant, but having a service animal helps take some of the distress away. I often imagine how simple life is for my buddy keeps it all in perspective. When things get to be too much, my buddy is there. From the restless nights to the difficult situations, I have something that has been an elusive possibility…I have hope again. I consider myself fortunate to have had this opportunity. Some days are better than others, but having this service animal over the past few months has given me both an outlet for coping and restored much of my confidence. Thanks Soldier’s Best Friend and the generous donors who made this all possible.

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


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