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What We Do

Graduate Veteran/Dog Teams

Nate and Dewey

Nate and Dewey

I stepped into becoming a dog owner by accident but becoming a dog dad I was able to see how animals can bring out the best in me and others. The first few smiles I ever got was from people reacting to my dog. For the first time in a long while I could see how having an animal benefited me.

Dewey has been great as I continue my rehabilitation back into society. He has helped me in some major areas of my life; therefore, these changes lead me into job promotions, changes in my diet, and making medical evaluations a priority. These changes all came from Dewey helping me climb out of myself. Dewey has given me hope, and an emotional adjustment. I have an outlook that I haven’t experience what life can be. 

Today, I get to celebrate a fresh look on life with my service dog, Dewey. For the last couple of strange years, myself and Dewey have been coming to training here at Soldier's Best Friend. With many trials and errors, mostly on my part, Dewey has become my service animal. This outlook on life has been a breath of fresh air, I no longer stay cooped up in my apartment, nor do I carry the same attitude towards people. Being a part of this great group of people have since change my life, and I am internally grateful for everything they do.

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


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