Kevin and Butter

Butter truly was a “third time's the charm” experience. After attempting to bring my own dog into the program and he washing out, then I was assigned my first SBF dog and that didn’t work either. I was losing hope in the process and didn’t think it was going to work out. I almost quit. Then Jaime, my trainer, and Sarah worked with me to keep me encouraged and focused on being successful. I was paired with the amazing girl named Maggie, but changed it to Butter, because everything is better with Butter. We had slow start bonding, and I was still struggling with connecting with the process, but she was patient and showed me that together we could make it through, and become a great team. That’s what we are now, a great team, and my life is much improved having her with me. I am grateful for Soldier’s Best Friend, and the hardworking team members that work directly with the veterans to see them succeed. I am especially thankful for the patience and kindness of Jaime, my trainer. She helped me navigate some very difficult training experiences, and overcome personal fears of failure. I would have not been able to complete this process with her help and support.