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What We Do

Graduate Veteran/Dog Teams

Dennis and Bella

Dennis and Bella

Soldier’s Best Friend came to me at a time in my life that my depression due to physical injuries and limitation were at a very high level. I was becoming more reclusive and withdrawn. My life didn’t have much joy or purpose.

When I met Soldier’s Best Friend and they explained what they could do it was like a weight had been lifted. My commitment to the training was very intense and this gave me purpose and drive. My dog became my link to the world I was withdrawing from. I went from being hidden in the shadows to being able to walk in the mall with hundreds of people and people talking to me about my day. I am more whole than I have been in years.

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


© 2024 Soldiers Best Friend

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