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What We Do

Graduate Veteran/Dog Teams

Brian and Lucy

Brian and Lucy

I am forever grateful to everyone at SBF, especially Liana and Jo. I cannot imagine my life without Lucy or the genuine care and support I have received from every staff member who I have had the pleasure of interacting with. Liana expertly paired me with Lucy who is the perfect dog for me. No corners were cut and the wait was well worth it! Jo is an amazing trainer and woman. She clearly communicates techniques, timelines, expectations, and the purpose for assigned tasks. She is flexible and able to tailor training based on the limitations of the handler and/or the personality of the animal. My ability to tolerate the symptoms associated with the disabilities has drastically increased thanks to this program. I am able to do things which I haven’t done in years. More importantly I can do these things and feel comfortable while out. Having Lucy has made me more aware of my own triggers and I have established a support network of brothers and sisters who share similar struggles as myself. There are not words which could accurately communicate my gratitude for Soldier's Best Friend. The dedication, knowledge, and selflessness of all staff has done more than improve my life. They saved it.

Our Impact

  • Graduated Veteran/Dog Teams


  • Rescued Arizona Homeless Dogs


  • Our Goal for Veterans Served in 2024


  • Training Hours Provided in 2023


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