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5 Reasons to Run for a Charity This Summer

Summertime is here, and there are plenty of ways to have fun while respecting social distancing. And despite the challenges of this year, you can still use your summer to have fun, get in shape and help others.

There’s lots of ways to give back while getting fit. One way is through a local charity run. Even though a lot of runs aren’t big events anymore, they’re still happening virtually. If you’re looking for a way to get in shape and get involved in the community, we’ve got you covered. Here are five reasons to run for a charity this summer.


1. A charity run will motivate you.

Let’s be honest: running is tough. But what makes everything worthwhile is knowing that you’re running for something greater than yourself. Nothing helps motivate an exercise quite like doing it for the benefit of someone else. 

Knowing that you’re helping to raise money and awareness for a cause you care about is a great way to motivate yourself to work hard and run the best race you can. Running for a cause gives you a purpose—a mission greater than yourself, which will ultimately push you in those last legs of the race.


2. A charity run is open to everyone.

The best news about charity runs? They’re open to everyone! You don’t have to be a professional runner or even particularly good to participate in a charity run and help raise money for your favorite local nonprofit. You can start at whatever level experience you have and make a difference for a cause.


3. A charity run is a great bonding activity.

That being said, a charity run is also a great opportunity for a bonding activity. Even though large groups of people can’t run together right now, you can recruit your friends and family to cheer you on from street corners through your run. When all of you care about a similar cause and are celebrating that cause, you bond together like nothing else ever could.


4. A charity run is good for your health.

Of course, the obvious reason to run for a charity: it’s good for your health! Charity runs are a great opportunity to get out and start exercising for something worthwhile. Whether you’re practicing to warm up for the run, the run itself or cooling down for the following weeks, it’s a chance to get off the couch and get active. Try it out to see how you start feeling better, healthier and more engaged in an altruistic life.


5. A charity run makes a difference.

Charity runs help make a difference in the community. The money they raise often goes toward an important cause in need, and you can be a part of that. You can help fund research to cure pediatric cancer, bring awareness to a disease that has affected your life or raise support for domestic violence victims in the area. Whatever you care about, chances are there’s a charity run for it close by that you can get involved in. 

This summer, live an altruistic lifestyle while getting in shape by running for a local charity. Check out nonprofit organizations in your area to see what events are available, then start training! Have fun, get fit and get involved to support a cause you care about.

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  • Maria & Mylo
    Maria & Mylo

    In 2017, after my medical retirement, life became an overwhelming struggle. The weight of PTSD, anxiety, and depression confined me to the walls of my home. Then, I made a pivotal decision - I chose to seek a service dog. My loyal companion, Mylo, became my saving grace. He infused my days with purpose, pulling me from the depths of despair. With Mylo by my side, I found the strength to step beyond my front door, and in his unwavering presence, I discovered a renewed sense of hope and a source of boundless love and understanding. Mylo is more than a service dog; he is my lifeline, my confidante, and my guardian angel. His paw prints are forever etched on the canvas of my heart, a testament to the transformative power of companionship, love, and unwavering support. Today, I stand here, not alone, but surrounded by a community that understands the profound impact of a faithful friend. I am forever grateful for Mylo and the gift he has given me.

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